Friday, January 15, 2010

For Roger

Fresh tide,
and we walk on glass.

Majestic frigate drifts,
silently overhead.

Abundance has arrived.
Gems, beneath our soles.

We are King and Queen
for a moment in glistening time.

Life beneath the watery surface,
is unknown.

Sharks may glide restlessly
just outside of our awareness.

Or an eel may slumber peacefully
with in it's palace.

As the tumultuous surf
spews treasures carelessly at our feet.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Let me love....

Pure LOvEImage by Thai Jasmine via Flickr

My heart

is so full

i can't help but,


This love inside...

Thank you,

Universe, or God

May I learn

to love everyone,

as well as I love

these special and beautiful few.

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