Saturday, June 20, 2009

Enough Words?

Fire and WaterImage by peasap via Flickr

How does a part of the world leave the world?
How can wetness leave water?

Don't try to put out a fire
by throwing on more fire!
Don't wash blood with blood!

No matter how fast you run,
your shadow more than keeps up.
Sometimes, it's in front!

Only full, overhead sun
diminishes your shadow.

But that shadow has been serving you!
What hurts you, blesses you.
Darkness is your candle.
Your boundaries are your quest.

I can explain this, but it would break
the glass cover on your heart,
and there's no fixing that.

You must have shadow and light source both.
Listen, and lay your head under the tree of awe.

When from that tree, feathers and wings sprout
on you, be quieter than a dove.
Don't open your mouth for even a cooooooo.

When a frog slips into the water, the snake
cannot get it. Then the frog climbs back out
and croaks, and the snake moves toward him again.

Even if the frog learned to hiss, still the snake
would hear
through the hiss the information
he needed, the frog voice underneath.

But if the frog could be completely silent,
then the snake would go back to sleeping,
and the frog could reach the barley.

The soul lives there in the silent breath.

And that grain of barley is such that,
when you put it in the ground,
it grows.

Are these enough words,
or shall I squeeze more juice from this?
Who am I, my friend?


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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Devil in Dust

Dust Devil, Just Passed ThroughImage by cobalt123 via Flickr

Dust in a breeze
Feeling puffed up
as if...

Hit's something.
Slides down,
tumbling through space..



Tire picks up the dust and grinds
it into the tread.

Drives 1,000 miles and then it rains.

Power, is a lie.

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Thursday, June 11, 2009

I am the Elder

I am the Elder,
Bringing forth the novice.

Full of spirit. Sparkling.

And I am wise.

Where is the wisdom?

Let me share.....

Stumble, I say! Trip and fall.

Spill the milk. cry over it.


Maybe, we can learn together....

oh wise youngster.

Who should lead?
Who should follow?

Know not I.

I am just the Elder.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

And then thee comes along

Not worried.

Fine alone.

And then thee comes along.

What to do. Kick back. Enjoy.

When does thee see. Maybe this is temporary. You always hope for permanency. Why would you do that? You have never liked anything to permanent. Fear is a mind killer.


What will be will be.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Midnight thoughts

Should've been asleep a couple of hours ago.

I wonder how many of us feel completely lost.

Yes, I love. Yes, I enjoy,

Yes, I mourn, I weep, I don't see the meaning.

What is the meaning of meaning?

I search.

I've always searched.

I find you out here. Others. Some, so much wiser than I.

I love you Aeolus . You are one of the wiser.

You help me find sanity.

Time. Is moving so fast.

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner,

Paycheck after bloody paycheck.

No. This IS not it.